Lash Photography for Lash Artists - B&C Camera

Lash Photography for Lash Artists

Vanessa DeRousseau
The lash business is booming, and the best way to get ahead of the game is by marketing the final product. If you are part of this booming business, you might have questions about how to properly take photographs of your client's lashes?
Lash Photography for Lash Artists - B&C Camera

Lash Photography for Lash Artists

Vanessa DeRousseau
The lash business is booming, and the best way to get ahead of the game is by marketing the final product. If you are part of this booming business, you might have questions about how to properly take photographs of your client's lashes?
Camera Settings for Sunset - B&C Camera

Camera Settings for Sunset

Vanessa DeRousseau
Sunsets are dreamy and romantic, and I have never met a person who doesn't love sunsets. However, it can become tricky when choosing which camera settings you should use. If you aren't a professional photographer, you will encounter...
Landscape Photography Settings - B&C Camera

Landscape Photography Settings

Vanessa DeRousseau
One of the more popular genres of photography is landscape. Landscape photographs can offer beautiful decor in the home and/or workplace. Landscapes are easy to capture since we are constantly near gorgeous scenery (for the most part). This style is also...
Best ISO for Video - B&C Camera

Best ISO for Video

Kris Krainock
ISO is one of the essential camera settings to grasp. In most modern cameras, ISO numbers range from 100 to 6400. A few cameras have a maximum ISO of 80, while others can reach 25,000+ (bananas)! But what us the best ISO for Video..?
The Most Delicious Settings for Food Photography - B&C Camera

The Most Delicious Settings for Food Photography

Kris Krainock
There's no autopilot for cooking, so start using your camera in manual mode for food photography. When photographing food side-on or at an angle, you should maintain the aperture as large as possible because a clear...
Best Camera Settings for Video - B&C Camera

Best Camera Settings for Video

Kris Krainock

Cameras have advanced dramatically from their inception, but even within the last ten years. Modern mirrorless cameras and DSLRs now include an abundance of options. With so many camera options to pick from, what are the best settings for video production?

Macro Eye Photography - B&C Camera

Macro Eye Photography

Vanessa DeRousseau
Your eye is known to be the window to your soul. So, of course, there is no wonder why so many people are intrigued by taking macro photographs of them. They offer beautiful mesmerizing shapes and colors, and they often even give a...
How to Do Silhouette Photography - B&C Camera

How to Do Silhouette Photography

Vanessa DeRousseau
One of the more mysterious genres of photography is silhouettes. They are beautiful, alluring, and in some cases, even seductive. A silhouette photo is where your subject is...
How Much to Charge for Product Photography - B&C Camera

How Much to Charge for Product Photography

Vanessa DeRousseau
Product photographers are a hot commodity, and they can help bring details to light while making the product enticing to consumers. Many consumers become motivated to make a purchase from visual content. You should charge...
Starting a Photography Business Checklist - B&C Camera

Starting a Photography Business Checklist

Vanessa DeRousseau
Photography is becoming an increasingly popular hobby, which is fantastic! It is fun to see artists producing beautiful imagery for everyone to enjoy. The best part about hobbies is that they can eventually become...
Camera Settings for Indoor Portraits - B&C Camera

Camera Settings for Indoor Portraits

Vanessa DeRousseau

Choosing camera settings can be tricky for amateurs, especially when it comes to various indoor lighting conditions. Knowing how to use your camera and selecting the best camera settings is your key to...

What is Saturation in Photography - B&C Camera

What is Saturation in Photography

Vanessa DeRousseau

Photography is a complex art that combines creativity and even science. Saturation is one of those elements you need to understand to perfect your photographs. What is Saturation?

Best ISO for Portraits - B&C Camera

Best ISO for Portraits

Vanessa DeRousseau

We will break down what an ISO camera setting does and how to properly set it on your camera for portrait photography. Your ISO camera setting is what darkens or brightens the photo. When you increase your ISO camera number setting, you will achieve...

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