Best Shutter Speed for Portraits
Capturing the best photo will rely heavily on the settings you choose. You will need more than just a fancy camera. Understanding each building block camera setting will set your photograph apart from the others. Shutter speed is one of those…
What is Commercial Photography
What is commercial photography, and how can you incorporate it into your resume? Amp up your photography resume by using these tips, and you will become a commercial photographer. Commercial Photography is any photo used for...
Camera Settings for Video
Relying on your automatic settings for video is always an option, but I usually advise against it. When you use manual settings, you have complete control of your camera and what it will produce, and you will get...
Best Aperture for Portraits
Camera settings are not a size fits kinda' of thing. The camera settings you choose are based on personal preference and your environment. And, since every photographer has their own opinion on settings, this will be...
Camera Settings for Bright Sunlight
Bright sunlight can be seen as a photography hindrance, similar to night photography. We were also taught that a bright, direct sun would be a complete nuisance to use while taking photographs. With a few tweaks here and there, you can still capture a...
What is Bracketing in Photography
Amateur photographers might get confused hearing the term "bracketing." What exactly is bracketing? I am here to help you understand what it is and its importance. The technique bracketing is when you take multiple...
How to Get Into Photography
How to Develop Film
What is Emphasis in Photography
Grasping the power of emphasis in photography will help you tell your story. All photographs have a focal point and need that emphasis to attract your viewer's eye. You have that focal point and other elements to...
How to Make a Stencil from a Photograph
Converting photos into stencils is a neat trick to know in a pinch. Photographs you took can be used as a coloring page or even a stencil to paint a picture. Luckily for you, creating a stencil is simple, and there are a few different ways to do this. You can use...
What is Boudoir Photography
How to Make a Milk Bath for Photography
The gorgeous milk bath photographs stem from an ancient Roman beauty ritual. This ritual was known for bringing out beauty. There's no wonder this beauty ritual has become a must for...