How to Clean Camera Lens - B&C Camera

One of the most critical elements affecting picture quality is the state of your camera lenses. Clean lenses result in sharper and crisper photographs and tend to survive longer than unclean ones for obvious reasons. As a result, we've created this camera lens cleaning tutorial to help you preserve your camera lenses and ensure they can take high-quality photos daily.



Remove as Much Dirt as Possible

Remove as much dirt as possible using an air blower and a soft-bristled brush. Place a drop or two of lens cleaning fluid on a microfiber cloth or clean wipe. Wipe the lens in a circular motion from the outer to inner areas, removing fingerprints, oil, smudges, dirt, and dust.

Shop: Lens Cleaning Tools

Here are some helpful hints on how to keep your camera lens clean, even after you've learned how to clean it:


Use a Lens Filter

If you're serious about photography, then you probably already know the importance of using lens filters. A lens filter is a piece of glass that attaches to the front of your lens and helps to protect it from damage. In addition, lens filters can also be used to change the way your camera interprets light, giving you more creative control over your photos. 

Related product: Prism Lens FX Filters


Use a Lens Cap

Remember to put the front and rear lens caps on your lens before you store it in a bag. It's best to keep the lenses in your camera case, so they don't gather dust. As soon as you take one lens off your camera's body, be sure to either attach another lens or put the cap back on.

It would help if you always had the lens cap on when you're not using your camera.

Prevention is usually preferable to cure. Aside from keeping your lens clean, it would help if you tried to keep dust away from it.

Shop: Lens Cleaning Tools


How to Clean Camera Lens:

1. Tip the Camera Downwards

Keep your mirrorless camera or a DSLR camera facing down when you swap out lenses. That way, you won't get dust on the sensor or lens optics. The only time the camera should be facing up (depicted in the image above), is when cleaning the camera's sensor.

2. Avoid Using Canned Air at all Costs

Canned or compressed air can ruin the camera sensor and shatter the lens' optics if you're not careful. If you must blow dust from your lens, opt for a manual blower instead - it's much safer because the gust of wind isn't as pressurized.

3. Clean Regularly – But Only When Needed

Don't let dirt and dust collect on your lens mount for too long. Before it adheres to the rear of your mirrorless lens or DSLR lens, clean it off. Dirt and quick dust removal will reduce the likelihood that these particles reach your camera's optics.


How Often Should You Clean Your Camera Lens?

How often you clean your camera lens is just as important as how to properly clean your camera lenses. You should only need to clean your camera lenses when necessary and as infrequently as possible. That said, some circumstances may require you to clean your camera lens many times in a day or even throughout a single shoot.

Removing your lens cap, look at the front element of your camera lens. If you see any dust, smudges, lint, or water spots, it's time to clean your camera before shooting.

Shop: Lens Cleaning Tools


Always Inspect Front and Rear Lens Elements

Always inspect front and rear lens elements for debris before attaching a new lens to your camera body. If you see any smudges or dust on the back component of the lens, clean it off. Otherwise, when you mount the lens, you could introduce contaminants into your camera or onto the sensor.


Check Your Lens After Each Shot

If you're shooting in weather, that's active, on a windy or cloudy day, or in any other scenario where smudges or foreign things might enter your camera, check your lens after each shot and clean it if necessary.

Related article: Camera Settings for Cloudy Day

Your camera lenses are a significant investment, and you must treat your money respectfully if you want to make the most of every penny. Maintain excellent care of your mirrorless lenses or DSLR lenses so that you may take high-quality photographs for a long time. In the long run, prioritizing a clean camera lens will save you time and aggravation.


Always Store Your Lens Properly 

Always store your lenses and other camera gear in a dry, sealed bag, pouch, or case when you're not using them, and this will protect the items from moisture and debris. Some great storage options include lens wraps, sleeves, pajamas, and microfiber towels.


Safeguard Your Lens From Moisture

For those who want to safeguard their equipment from moisture, consider adding a desiccant pack to the bottom of your camera bag. You should replace it monthly or after wet weather conditions or extremely humid trips. Photographers who constantly have streaks on the front element of their lenses may want to buy hydrophobic, scratch-resistant filters for additional protection.

Shop: Lens Cleaning Tools

A clean lens will produce super clean shots. Check out our related articles to take your photography game to the next level:

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